Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Birds, Birds and More Birds.

Farm land that has been flooded and then the water slowly recedes becomes a great feeding place for tons and tons of birds.

They come in the early morning and feed and scream. I think the are actually calling all their family and friends to come a feast with them. Most will leave as the morning grows old and will return near sunset for the evening feeding.

It has been great watching the bird's habits. Not so great waking up to massive noise they make outside my window at 6:30 AM.

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Weather Could Be Kinder

The weather after the flooding wasn't all sunshine and roses. We have had a
lot of rain, snow and cloudy days. There was a few sunny days.
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The sun did shine a few days.
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Welcome to the New Playground

People will find ways to enjoy themselves even when floods threaten their property. Once the rains stopped and the madness of sandbagging and watching the waters rise, it was a moment for relaxation and a bit of play.

Taking a spin on the old 4-wheeler on a cold dreary day is a bunch of fun.
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What a day for taking the family canoe in a flooded farm field.
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I am sure that capsizing wasn't in the agenda for the outing.
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In the News

Over the two days of the flooding, we had several news crews out to interview different folks.

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They even came by air.
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What is Left by the Flooding Waters

Driving around and visiting some of my neighbors I shot a few pictures of their property.

The flooding river brings more than water to property.
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Water starts to flood low areas.
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The backhoe is dragging large concrete pieces out to the river to help
prevent additional floodiing.
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I thought the water was receding. I was wrong, it was being rerouted
to another farmer's field.
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My lakeside property.
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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Deer is Safe

The John Deer tractor that was stuck in the mud up to its high fenders was saved. I don't know how they recovered the Deer, but when I saw it parked safely near it's home, I felt happy to see it there.

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Too Close for Comfort

I learned that once water rises and comes on land, it takes some time for it to find lower ground. This can threaten homes, crops and other property. My next door neighbor has such an experience. Can you imagine waking up and seeing you might be heading for a water bath.

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Another house that is just a little too close to the water.

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